Oppføringer av Thore Borgenvik

Priser på vårmøtet

Vårmøtet 2024 Vårmøtet 2024 avholdes i Trondheim på Scandic Nidelven fra 28. til 30. mai. Det faglige programmet er utarbeidet av karkirurgisk avdeling ved St. Olavs Hospital. Karkirurgisk vårmøte er en årlig fagkonferanse arrangert av NKKF som er åpen for alle med interesse for karkirurgi og intervensjonsradiologi. Det vil også være egne sesjoner spesielt rettet […]

Deadline for innsendelse av abstract til ESVS annual meeting 8. april

ESVS Annual Meeting Abstract Submissions The deadline for abstracts submissions for the ESVS 38th Annual Meeting in Kraków, Poland (24-27 of September) is coming very soon! Vascular surgeons, trainees, nurses, sonographers, and vascular specialists of all related disciplines are invited to submit their abstract for ESVS2024 before the 1st of April 2024, at 23:59 CET. […]

ESVS Masterclass

The Masterclass is a free event for all ESVS members. This year, there will be 4 sessions in 2024 on the ESVS’s topics of focus. We’ve changed things up this year so that the Masterclass now also includes face-to-face workshops on top of the traditional online webinars. Aortic Session on the 17th of January Webinar: […]

Er du den neste generalsekretæren i ESVS?

Secretary General (2025 – 2030) Do you have what it takes to be the Society’s next Secretary General? We are looking for a dedicated and motivated ESVS member to become our next Secretary General. Their position will begin with a shadowing year in September 2024 (at the closure of the Annual Meeting in Kraków), officially […]